Ship SmartScore 64 upgrade on USB flash drive

This page is for ordering a SmartScore 64 NE upgrade to be shipped on USB thumb drive.

Registered SmartScore owners: Upgrade from any SmartScore product you own to any new edition of SmartScore 64.

Owners of Finale, Music-to-XML, NoteReader Premier and competitive products: Locate your special upgrade offers at the bottom of the page.

Find the product you currently own then select the upgrade product you want shipped. SS Pro users have the option of purchasing extra site licenses for $99 per seat. if you wish to be set up for downloading as well as having the DVD shipped to you, add the "Download Option" at the bottom of the page to your order.

If you simply want to download your copy instead of having it shipped to you, click here.

SmartScore 64
Pro Edition to Pro 64 NE (USB Flash Drive)

Upgrade any previous version of SmartScore Pro to SmartScore Professional 64 NE (New Edition) to be shipped on USB Flash Drive.


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SmartScore 64
Pro Edition to Songbook 64 NE (USB Flash Drive)

Upgrade any version of SmartScore Pro to Songbook 64 NE (New Edition) for shipping on USB Flash Drive.


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SmartScore 64
SmartScore Pro 64 NE Extra License

Additional seat license(s) for schools and/or institutions with at least one previously-registered owner of SmartScore 64 Pro. Prior SmartScore 64 registration will be validated. No limit on quantity.


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Songbook to Songbook 64
SmartScore 64
Songbook Edition to Songbook 64 NE (USB Flash Drive)

Upgrade any previous version of SmartScore Songbook Edition to SmartScore Songbook 64 NE (New Edition) to be shipped on USB Flash Drive.


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SmartScore 64
Songbook Edition to Pro 64 NE (USB Flash Drive)

Upgrade any version of Songbook Edition to SmartScore Pro 64 NE (New Edition) to be shipped on USB Flash Drive.


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SmartScore 64
MIDI Edition to MIDI 64 NE (USB Flash Drive)

Upgrade any version of MIDI edition to SmartScore MIDI 64 NE (New Edition) to be shipped.


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MIDI to Pro 64
SmartScore 64
MIDI Edition to Pro 64 NE (USB Flash Drive)

Upgrade any SmartScore MIDI edition to SmartScore 64 Pro NE (New Edition) on Flash Drive to be shipped to you.


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Pro to Songbook 64
SmartScore 64
MIDI Edition to Songbook 64 NE (USB Flash Drive)

Upgrade any version of MIDI Edition to SmartScore Songbook 64 NE to be shipped on Flash Drive.


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MIDI to Piano 64
SmartScore 64
MIDI Edition to Piano 64 NE (USB Flash Drive)

Upgrade any previous MIDI edition to SS 64 Piano NE (New Edition).


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Guitar to Guitar 64
SmartScore 64
MIDI Edition to Guitar 64 NE (USB Flash Drive)

Upgrade any version of MIDI Edition to SmartScore Guitar 64 NE to be shipped on Flash Drive. Guitar edition now processes 2 staves per system: Dual TAB & notation configurations on the same page are recognized.


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Piano to Piano 64
SmartScore 64
Piano Edition to Piano 64 NE (USB Flash Drive)

Upgrade any previous version of Piano Edition to SS 64 Piano NE (New Edition).


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Piano to Pro 64
SmartScore 64
Piano Edition to Pro 64 NE (USB Flash Drive)

Upgrade any version of Piano Edition to SmartScore Pro 64 NE (New Edition) to be shipped on Flash Drive.


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Piano to Songbook 64
SmartScore 64
Piano Edition to Songbook 64 NE (USB Flash Drive)

Upgrade any version of Piano Edition to SmartScore Songbook 64 NE (New Edition) to be shipped on USB Flash Drive.


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Guitar to Guitar 64
SmartScore 64
Piano Edition to Guitar 64 NE (USB Flash Drive)

Upgrade any version of Piano Edition to SmartScore Guitar 64 NE (New Edition) to be shipped on Flash Drive. Now processes 2 staff lines per system: Dual TAB & notation configurations on the same page are recognized.


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Guitar to Guitar 64
SmartScore 64
Guitar Edition to Guitar 64 NE (USB Flash Drive)

Upgrade any version of Guitar Edition to SmartScore Guitar 64 NE to be shipped on Flash Drive. Guitar edition now processes 2 staves per system: Dual TAB & notation configurations on the same page are recognized.


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Guitar to Songbook 64
SmartScore 64
Guitar Edition to Songbook 64 NE (USB Flash Drive)

Upgrade any version of Guitar edition to SmartScore Songbook 64 NE (New Edition) to be shipped on Flash Drive.


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Guitar to Pro 64
SmartScore 64
Guitar Edition to Pro 64 NE (USB Flash Drive)

Upgrade any version of Guitar Edition to SmartScore Pro 64 NE (New Edition) to be shipped on Flash Drive.


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SmartScore 64
Finale/Dorico to SmartScore Pro 64 NE (USB Flash Drive)

Ship SmartScore Pro 64 NE on USB Flash Drive (Win/Mac).Valid Finale serial number or Dorico order or validation number required prior to our releasing this product.

$399.00 $199.00

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SmartScore 64
Finale/Dorico to SmartScore Songbook 64 NE (USB Flash Drive)

Order SmartScore Songbook 64 NE on USB Flash Drive to be shipped (Win/Mac).Valid Finale serial or Dorico order or validation number required prior to release of this product.

$199.00 $99.00

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Music-to-XML to SmartScore 64 Pro (Flash Drive)
SmartScore 64
Music-to-XML to SmartScore Pro 64 NE (USB Flash Drive)

Ship SmartScore Pro 64 NE. (Requires proof of purchase)

$399.00 $189.00

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Music-to-XML to SmartScore 64 Pro (Flash Drive)
SmartScore 64
Music-to-XML to SmartScore Songbook 64 NE (USB Flash Drive)

Ship SmartScore Songbook 64 NE USB thumb drive. (Requires proof of purchase)

$199.00 $89.00

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SmartScore 64 Pro Competitive Upgrade
SmartScore 64
SmartScore Pro 64 NE Competitive Upgrade (USB Flash Drive)

Ship SmartScore Pro 64 Pro NE on USB Flash Drive (Win/Mac). Qualifying serial number required.

$399.00 $299.00

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SmartScore 64
NoteReader to SmartScore 64 (Order instructions)

NoteReader Premier owners: Save 25% when you upgrade to SmartScore 64. Click for instructions on how to get to the special order page.


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SmartScore 64
Download Option

NOTE: To qualify for this option, you must also order a full or upgrade version of SmartScore 64 or already be a registered owner of SmartScore 64. You will receive e-mail with instructions for downloading within one business day.


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