For Finale and Dorico owners only...
U.S. Customers:
In the Comments field, write "Do not ship. Set me up for downloading." We will apply your postage fee to the Download Option and set you up for downloading as soon as possible.Customers outside the U.S.: In the Comments field, write "Do not ship. Set me up for downloading and refund my shipping charge.." We will set you up to download and refund the mailing fee.
Ship SmartScore Pro 64 NE on USB Flash Drive (Win/Mac).Valid Finale serial number or Dorico order or validation number required prior to our releasing this product.
Order SmartScore Songbook 64 NE on USB Flash Drive to be shipped (Win/Mac).Valid Finale serial or Dorico order or validation number required prior to release of this product.
Add one or more extra seat licenses to your SmartScore Pro 64 NE order.
NOTE: To qualify for this option, you must also order a full or upgrade version of SmartScore 64 or already be a registered owner of SmartScore 64. You will receive e-mail with instructions for downloading within one business day.