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Image Editor Tab and Toolbar

Last updated: 07/30/2024

Image Editor tools buttons found in the horizontal toolbar at the top of the page are associated with different functions as seen below. Many of these functions can also be found in the ☰ EDIT menu of the image editor.

Tool names and what they do …

Open: Click to load an image file in TIF, PDF, or BMP file format. Opening a PDF file will automatically convert it to TIF graphic file format. If greyscale, you will be able to adjust lightness/darkness levels of the music using Thresholding.
Save: Saves the open image to last saved location on your computer. To save to another location or a different name, use the menu command ☰ FILE > Save as.
Scan: Starts a new scanning process. To select or change your scanning interface, see: Scanning sheet music
Note recognition: Click here to begin recognition of your scanned music. The opened score will then be recognized. See: Music Recognition
Zoom: Increases or decreases the view size of the loaded image document. To zoom in, click with the left mouse button, to zoom out with the right mouse button. If your computer mouse has a scroll wheel, you can also use it to zoom in/out. Hold down the button and turn the scroll wheel.
Print: Click here to print the active image document.
Back page: If your scanned music contains more than one page, you can easily browse through your image files using the page forward/back buttons.
Page forward: Opens the next page of your image document (see above)
Rotate 90° to the left: If your original music was in landscape-format, it was probably scanned sideways (rotated by 90°). This tool turns the “sideways” image "the right way up" so it can be correctly read by SmartScore. NOTE: All pages must be rotated one by one. See also: Rotating scanned pages
Rotate 90° right: Rotates the currently visible note page 90° to the right in increments (see above and Rotating scanned pages)
Select: The Selector tool is generally used to delete regions of the page. For example, if you are using the Piano Edition, which is limited to 2 staves per system, you can select and delete vocal lines from each system allowing for recognition of "songbook" score.
Crop: This useful tool is used to quickly reduce a sheet of music to the portion that is essential for recognition. Any area of the page that falls outside a frame defined with the selection tool will be removed when you click the crop tool. See: Cropping your scanned pages
Straighten: Scanned pages that are skewed (slightly twisted) can result in unsatisfactory music recognition . The straitening tool allow you to stretch a line across the top of a staff resulting in an instand fix. See: Straightening crooked scans
Invert: Some older scanners actually create scanned images with objects in white set against a black background. If you encounter this effect, you can "reverse the polarity" of image by pushing this button.
Delete page: It often happens that imported sheet music documents contain pages that do not contain any sheet music (title pages, tables of contents, editorial pages, etc.). With this tool you can easily remove such sites. See also: Common problems that Image Editor can fix
Drawing: With this tool you can freely draw in your music scans. It is used to fill in missing elements. See also: Common problems that Image Editor can fix
Lines: With the line tool you can trace missing or broken bar lines or staff lines. It is most useful when the left-hand system bracket, which joins staff lines to a system, is broken. See also: Common problems that Image Editor can fix
Line Width: When you click this button, you can choose thickness for the drawing/line tool from a pop-up menu.
Eraser: The eraser is actually a black and white toggle. If the button is active, you draw or draw lines in white color. See also: Common problems that Image Editor can fix
Thresholding: By adjusting the threshold value of a “greyscale” scan, you can optimize the light-to-dark balance of your scans. This is particularly useful after scanning original scores that may be very light or faded. Thickening and darkening edges of faded scores will make note recognition more "readable" for SmartScore. See also: Thresholding (grey-to-black conversion)
Undo: By clicking this button you can undo the last editing step carried out. Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut  + .
Redo: The last step you undid can be redone using this button. Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut  + .

We recommend …

You should review your scanned pages in the image editor before starting the recognition process.

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Thresholding (greyscale scanning)
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