Properties / Properties Tool
Last updated: 07/30/2024
The Glissando tool is found within the Articulations section of the Symbols Selection window. It’s identified as a diagonal line between two notes.
Once selected and a note is clicked on, it will appear between that note and the following note. The effect will be a run of intermediate notes between the two without affecting the timing of either note.

How it works …
Inserting and deleting a glissando mark
Click on a notehead. A diagonal line is drawn to the next notehead.
To delete, select the
Glissando tool 
agin. Then switch to
Delete mode 
key) and click on the glissando starting notehead.
Glissandos are not editable using the Properties tool.
Animation (0:22) - Inserting and deleting a glissando mark
Animation (0:23) - Inserting and deleting a glissando mark
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ArticulationsArpeggiosProperties Tool (Overview)Properties (Overview)
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