Drums and Percussion
Creating your own custom drum track
Last updated: 07/30/2024
Don’t care for any of our preset drum tracks? You can create your own drum patterns and save them to the master drum track library. Here’s how.

How to get there and how it works …
Select the MIDI track that contains the drum rhythm (MIDI channel 10).
Select the MIDI track that contains the drum rhythm (MIDI channel 10).
Click the
Automatic Drum Track button 
in the toolbar of the
Playback tab or choose sub-menu.
In the
Automatic Drum Track dialog box click the
New Pattern button.
Notate your pattern in the percussion staff template. Drum kit assignments are preset according to the
Percussion Map which can be opened and edited by pushing the
Open Map button above the template.
When finished, click on the
Save Pattern button.
In the
Generate Automatic Drumtrack Pattern dialog box, write in a name and assign a style from the pulldown menu. You can also adjust the beginning measure, MIDI track and total length for the pattern. Then click on
Generate >>>. Your self-recorded drum rhythm will then be added to the drum library and can be accessed at any time from a SmartScore document via the
Automatic Drum Track dialog box.
Import a drum pattern from a MIDI file …
So many options ... If you have or can create a standard Type 1 MIDI file which contains a drum track on Channel 10, you will be able to extract that drum track and save to the drum track library: In MIDI Editor, select the menu item, . In the Generate Automatic Drumtrack Pattern window, make sure you select the track assigned to Channel 10 (Drums). You will see the Playback Console as a reference.
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Changing a part to a percussion staff
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Drums and Percussion (Overview)
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