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Chord symbols, Guitar Fret Diagrams

Editing and changing Chord / Fret Diagrams

Last updated: 07/30/2024

Chord names and fretboard configurations are completely editable. If you change the name or fingering or fretboard configuration of an existing chord, it will be saved as new chord which you can recall again. If the chord name itself is left unchanged, it will be saved as an alternative fingering/fret configuration for that same chord name.

How it works …

Editing or changing an existing guitar fret diagram

Double click to edit it chord name and fingering and save to Guitar Chord Library.
Make the necessary edits in the dialog then select OK.

Note …

To show ONLY the chord symbol and not the fretboard, go to ☰ VIEW > Show > Chord Symbols and select Chord name only.

Repositioning fret diagrams

Hold down the    key (Nudge mode), locate the small handle at the bottom of the fret diagram, click on it and drag the symbol to where you want it.
To reposition several fret diagrams at once, choose the Selector tool or hit the    key. Drag a box around (or through) the group of chord symbols until they highlight. Choose any of the handles and drag the ganged symbols to a new location.
Animation (0:29) - Editing and changing Chord / Fret Diagrams
Animation (0:31) - Editing and changing Chord / Fret Diagrams
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The Guitar Chord Library
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