Image editing
Note Editor Tab
Last updated: 07/30/2024
Most of the editing of your music will take place within the Note Editor tab. Take a look…

Tool names and what they do …
Click to open ENF, TIF, PDF and MIDI files (file formats supported by SmartScore). Image files (TIF, TIFF, PDF) are opened in the
Image Editor. ENF files are the actual SmartScore project files. These will open in the
Note Editor. MIDI files appear in SmartScore’s
MIDI Editor.
Save: Saves the currently open document to last saved location on your computer. To save to another location or a different name, use the menu command (see also
Exporting your work).
Page Setup: This is a critical environment that lets you set up your document for printing or for exporting to MusicXML and PDF formats. Set page type, margins and even reformat the entire score (see
Page formatting and layout).
Open Playback Console: Open and control MIDI instruments assigned to parts and to contrapuntal voices (see
Playback Console).
Toggle Mini-Console: On = Float the Mini-console inside the main window.
Off = Put it back into the toolbar (see
Properties tool: When activated, the Properties tool can be used to view and change playback properties of many symbols that are clicked on. It also activates staff and system spacing tabs (see
Properties Tool).
Selector tool: The Selector tool is used to grab and highlight objects by a dragging around them. Dragging over a range of measures with right-mouse down = Select temporary play range (see
Selecting symbols).
Insert mode: When activated, symbols will drop wherever you right click inside any active staff line (see
Inserting symbols).
Delete mode: When activated, right clicking on any object in the active staff line will be deleted (see
Deleting symbols).
Transposition: Push this button to open the
Transposition window. You can transpose by key, clef or by pitch.
View contrapuntal voiceline colors: This button activates and deactivates contrapuntal voiceline colors (black, red, blue and green, see
Voices (MIDI Channels)).
Voicing Override: The color and voicing number of a note or rest can be reassigned using this tool (see
Voices (MIDI Channels)).
Hidden mode: Pushing this button allows you to insert symbols into the score that may affect playback but which you’d rather not appear in the main view or when printed out (e.g. entering "implied tuplets" or time signatures for pickup and closeout measures, see
Hidden mode).
Text mode: Push this button to activate Text mode. In this mode, you can insert, change or delete text strings inside the score.
Chord / Fret Symbol: This button activates the Chord / Guitar diagram editing tool. When activated, click on any existing fret diagram or click anywhere to insert a new chord/fret symbol (see
Chord symbols, Guitar Fret Diagrams).
Zoom: Increases or decreases the view size of the loaded image document. To zoom in, click with the
left mouse button, to zoom out with the
right mouse button. If your computer mouse has a scroll wheel, you can also use it to zoom in/out. Hold down the

button and turn the scroll wheel.
Hand drag tool: Move the whole document by dragging.
Back page: If your scanned music contains more than one page, you can easily browse through your image files using the page forward/
back buttons.
Page forward: Opens the next page of your image document (see above)
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Tools Tab
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Note Editor (Overview)
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