NOTE: Default settings for how tuplets appear can be changed in Text Symbols and
Multi-Measure Rest Properties
· Measures = Number of measures the multi-measure rest applies.
FIGURE 4 - 17: Multi-measure Rest Properties
Barline Properties (Pickup measures and Codas)
Pickup, measures normally begin a piece or section with a truncated measure having
less beats than the time signature calls for. It is often associated with a "closeout"
measure at the end of the section. Split-measures are divided between the final mea-
sure of one system and continue through the first measure of the following system.
Pickup Measure (Typical)
Split Measure (Typical)
FIGURE 4 - 18: Pickup and split measures
Incomplete, pickup, closeout and split measures will normally cause playback to hes-
itate. By default, SmartScore applies the exact number of beats to each measure
(Lock to Time Signature).
To play individual measures exactly as written,
a. Select Properties Tool and click on the barline that precedes the measure in
Using to SmartScore X