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Chapter 11
Default ENF display characteristics can be changed. Select Edit >
Document Preferences or Edit > Program Preferences depending on whether it
is document or program-dependant.
Document Preferences
· Text symbols
Reset default font size and type for text symbols such as triplets, dynamics and
expression marks. For text and lyric defaults including part names, push the "Text
Styles" button. Push Apply to change. See "Adding and changing styles of Text
and Lyrics", Section 6.2.2.
· Systems
Reset display characteristics for systems including part names, measure numbers,
lyric display, clef visibility and printing, cross-staff pointer lines and constraining
system scrolling when the score is reformatted.
FIGURE 11 - 1: Document Preferences > Systems
Select how to display part names: Choose how to abbreviate part names
and whether to show or don't show part names.
Introduction to SmartScore X