Score Structure
Other tasks possible with Score Structure
Last updated: 07/30/2024
Extracting single parts to a new document, creating individual parts from an ensemble / conductor’s score, converting an ensemble / conductor’s score into a single score parts, merging parts from multiple ENF files into a single document or removing a part from a score – these are all typical tasks that Score Structure can help with.
How it works …
Extract a single part to a new document
All highlighted parts are removed from the system leaving only a single part.
Create individual parts from an ensemble / conductor’s score
Right-click on an existing
Document element.
Insert and create 2 new, empty ENF documents.
Dragging each existing part to an different document will create 3 individual parts.
Convert an ensemble / conductor’s score into a single score parts
Right-click into the existing
Score Parts and
Insert as many new, successive score-parts as required.
Dragging each successive part to the new Score part elements creates one score of individual parts arranged successively throughout the document.
Merge parts from multiple ENF files into a single document
This action pulls the flute part from a score and inserts it into the L and R hand parts of a solo piano document creating an ensemble piece. The empty document is then deleted.
Removing a part from a score
Important info for Songbook
Right-click into the existing score part element and select
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System Manager (Chapter overview)
See also ⚆⚆
Splitting 2-note clusters (hymnal music)Score Structure (Overview)Score Properties (Overview)System Manager (Overview)
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