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Grace Notes

Last updated: 07/30/2024

Grace notes are a kind of ornament that precede and "lean into" the note that immediately follows. SmartScore 64 supports two types of grace notes: The appoggiatura (with a slur mark) and the acciaccatura (with a slash mark). Grace notes can appear signally or joined together in a beam group.

An appoggiatura sounds before the beat. It is heard before its ornamented note which plays precisely on the beat.
An acciaccatura sounds on the beat. It’s ornamented note will be heard slightly after the beat. Acciaccaturas are more accentuated than appoggiaturas.


Acciaccaturas will not sound if placed before the first note of a measure. If you wish to insert a grace note before the first note, it must be an appoggiatura in order to be heard.


How it works …

Choose a duration to be applied to the grace note by selecting an appropriate note value. You must choose between an eighth and thirty-second note.
To insert a grace note, open the NOTES sub-menu in the Symbol Selection window and select either the appoggiatura icon (with a slur mark) or the acciaccatura icon (with a slash mark).
Click anywhere in the staff to insert.
You may insert more than one grace note. To beam multiple grace notes together, activate the Selector Tool (Esc key), draw a box so they highlight then hit the    key.
Animation (0:39) - Working with Grace Notes
Animation (0:43) - Working with Grace Notes


To change a standard notehead into a grace note, simply select the desired grace note symbol, then click on the notehead to change.
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