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Playback using Plug-ins (Virtual instruments)

Last updated: 07/30/2024

SmartScore allows you to load third-party virtual instrument plug-ins for playing your music back. These plug-ins are set up in the Playback Setup dialog box. Here’s how.

How to get there and how it works …

Activating AUVST plug-ins for playback

Select ☰ PLAYBACK > Playback Setup sub-menu to open the Playback Setup dialog box.
Check the MIDI-Port E box to activate an AUVST plug-in.
Click to highlight the desired plug-in displayed in the AUVST (Port E) display list.
Push OK to confirm and close the dialog to bring up the selected plug-in.


Loading another AUVST plug-in into the Plug-in Library

In the Playback Setup dialog box, check the MIDI-Port E box.
Click on the Add button in Plug-in Library section and choose the disered AUVST plug-in.
Click on Apply or push OK to confirm and close the dialog to bring up the selected plug-in.


Playing back MIDI channels (instruments) via the assigned AUVST instrument plug-in.

Open the Playback Console (go to ☰ PLAYBACK > Playback Console or simply hold down   +  ).
In the Port column, select MIDI Port E for the Channel (part or voice) you wish to apply the selected AUVST sound to.
Deactivate or reactivate the AUVST function and open or close the AUVST plug-in user interface by clicking the Audio Units button VST button in the Playback toolbar.

Pay attention to MIDI Ports and MIDI Channels !

MIDI-Port E is reserved exclusively for AUVST plug-ins.
MIDI channels in the virtual instrument interface must match the same channel numbers being played by SmartScore.
Check the output channel for each track in the Playback Console +  ) and change the channel numbers in the virtual instrument so they match.

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