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Playback Setup

Last updated: 07/30/2024

The Playback Setup window allows you to select pre-bundled MIDI-triggered instrument sounds commonly referred to as "Soundfonts". The default soundfont for SmartScore is "FluidSynth General MIDI". Two more preloaded soundfonts are also included (Yamaha and General User). To change instrument sets, click on an alternative soundfont from the Soundfont list and push Apply.

It’s important to understand MIDI "Port" assignment especially for larger scores containing more than 16 individual parts (MIDI is limited to no more than 16 channels per soundfont). If a score contains more than 16 parts, an alternative soundfont needs to be assigned to a new port for all parts to play individually and not collide with each other. By default, SmartScore assigns the first 16 parts (Channels 1 thru 16) to a unique soundfont on Port A and another soundfont (Channels 17 thru 36) to Port B.

How to get there …

Open the Playback Setup dialog (☰ PLAYBACK > Playback Setup) or by clicking on the column header named Port in the Playback console +  ).

Important …

Only those MIDI Ports activated in Playback Setup dialog (A through EF) will be available in the Port list of the Playback console.

Playback Setup Features …

The left column lists available MIDI ports A through EF. Ports A through DE are reserved for soundfonts. Port EF is reserved for Audio UnitVST instrument plugins.
Note that MIDI Port (and corresponding sound source) in the setup window is linked the Port letter for each MIDI channel in the Playback console. Port A is set to all channels by default. Switching the Port to another letter will assign the corresponding sound source to that track (Part or Voice) for playback.
You may load compatible 3rd-party soundfont packages to the Soundfont Library. Push Open Soundfont Library button.

Dealing with scores containing more than 16 individual parts …

If your score exceeds 16 individual parts (MIDI channels), it will be necessary to assign additional parts to an alternative MIDI Port and reassign MIDI channels beginning from 1, 2, …

Open the Playback Console (go to ☰ PLAYBACK > Playback Console or simply hold down   +  ).
In the Port column, select an alternative MIDI Port for the Channel (part or voice) you wish to assign to a new soundfont.
IMPORTANT: Push the Lock button at the top of the column to "lock in" changes to Channel and Port assignment you might have made.

More info …

For details on working with Audio UnitsVST, go to Playback using Plug-ins.

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Drums and Percussion (Chapter overview)
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