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Line, Staff and System Spacing

Last updated: 07/30/2024

It’s usually easier to adjust line, staff and system distances by dragging the red and blue spacing tabs (in the left margin of the active system) before opening and applying your changes to other systems. That lets you visually check distances then apply ’Copy settings to’ the appropriate selection in the Line/Staff Spacing window.

You can also micro-manage spacing using the pixel-based measurements in this dialog. The Line/Staff Spacing matrix allows you adjust, in pixels, a) the distance above the topmost staff, b) the distance below the bottom staff and c) the distance between the staff lines within the staff then apply the changes as described above.

How to get there …

Right-clicking inside any active staff line with Properties tool will open the Score Properties window. Select Line/Staff Spacing, or …
select ☰ EDIT > Line/Staff Spacing.

How it works …

Apply spacing changes made in one system to all systems

The most important feature in this window is the Copy settings to feature. After adjusting line, staff and system distances to one system, you can apply those changes to one or more systems in the score by selecting:

Apply to just to the active staff or system (Current system).
Apply to all the following staves and systems moving forward (Next Systems)
Apply to every staff and system within the score (All systems).
Animation (0:43) - Apply spacing changes made in one system to all systems
Important info for Piano
Animation (0:53) - Apply spacing changes made in one system to all systems
Important info for Piano
Make your changes to a single staff line in the ENF view using the spacing tabs. See spacing tabs
Right-click inside this staff line with Properties tool . This will open the Score Properties window. Select Line/Staff Spacing.
If necessary, manually change Top distance, Bottom distance and Line distance values in the appropriate spin boxes.
To apply changes globally or to successive pages, click into the Copy settings to: pull-down menu and choose All Systems or Next Systems.
Push Copy to apply the change.


If you’re not satisfied with how the changes look, hit Undo .

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Staff Properties
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