. . . .
Vertical Reformatting (Line, staff and system spacing)
Staff and system spacing can be changed by simply dragging sizing tabs up or down.
Staff height and distance settings can also be made numerically and applied globally
using the dialog box described in "Staff Line Options > Line/staff spacing", Section
Changing staff and system distances (Red tabs)
To visually increase/decrease staff and system distances...
· Position the cursor over a staff to make it active. The bottom-most red tab con-
trols the distance between the active system and the system below it. Each staff
will have a red tab aligned with its topmost line. These tabs change distances
between staff lines. The "T" tab on top changes the margin between the active
staff and the staff above it.
Changing system distances
Changing staff distances
("T" tab)
(Red tab)
FIGURE 7 - 2: Using tabs to change staff distances and system widths
Changing staff line spacing (Blue tabs)
Moving the blue (staff height) tabs not only increases the height of a single staffline,
it also increases the size of all musical symbols inside that staff. To apply a staff
height change to all remaining staves, use the "Copy to" command. See "Staff Line
Options > Line/staff spacing", Section 7.4.3
Using to SmartScore X