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Chapter 7
Reformatting, Part Extraction &
Page Setup
Reformatting scores in ENF view
Measures, staff lines, systems and even pages can be resized, compressed or
expanded while maintaining proper note spacing. Parts can be extracted from the
score and/or recombined to form conductor's scores. Page layout and margins can
then be selected, modified and previewed prior to printing.
It's best to correct mistakes before reformatting the score because
ENF synchronization with the original scanned pages may be lost.
Even if synchronization is lost, a floating Scan View reference
window will be available. For more details, see Section 8.1.1,
"Split-screen and scan view reference views".
Edit > Format Score
This window provides tools that can reformat the ENF score including line and
staff spacing, measures per system and even a tool that rescales (optimizes) the
ENF frame should your scanner force rescaling the image instead of resetting dpi..
FIGURE 8 - 1: Format Score window
· Measures per system
Select a fixed number of measures for every system in the score.
Introduction to SmartScore X