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Troubleshooting: Scanning

Last updated: 07/30/2024

Known scanning issues and solutions …


1. When attempting to scan, you get the message: Scanner not ready.

Your scanner’s driver was not installed or needs to be updated.

Visit your scanner manufacturer’s website and locate "Download drivers". Download and install the most current scan drivers for your computer.

The scanner driver was not selected in SmartScore.

Go to: ☰ FILE > Scan music > Select Scanner. Find the driver installed for you scanner model and select it. Push OK and close.

Your scanner is not connected to your computer or is not on.

Check that your scanner is on and properly connected to your computer.


2. While scanning with "Auto-resolution" on, you encounter the message, You should scan this page at xxx DPI. Change or Ignore.

The scanned image contains staff lines with varying staff widths. Auto-resolution measures staff widths to determine optimum resolution and assumes all staves have roughly the same width.

Select Ignore.
Scan again. In the scanning options dialog, uncheck Auto-resolution. Set resolution of 300 dpi. Push Final scan.

Auto-resolution may select a non-rounded value such as "320" or "375". Many scanners respond only to preset values (e.g. 300 / 600 dpi) so the resolution sent to the scanner is not recognized.

Scan again. In the scanning options dialog, uncheck Auto-resolution. Set resolution of 300 dpi. Push Final scan.

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