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Troubleshooting: Playback

Last updated: 07/30/2024

Known playback issues and solutions …


1. Playback pauses at the end of a measure.

Pickup and Closeout measures are common at the beginning and sometimes at the end of every system.

For a single measure, use the Properties Tool (Esc key) and click on the beginning barline. In Barline Properties, select Play as written.


2. Playback pauses at the end of ALL measures.

The time signature is probably incorrect.

Check time signatures. Change time signature to the correct value as necessary.


3. Playback appears to go faster or slower than the default Tempo set in the Playback Console.

Look for a Tempo marking (e.g. Allegro, Moderato or Andante) in the body of the music. If recognized, Tempo markings will apply a new tempo value to playback.

If necessary, you can alter the tempo value of any Tempo marking. Use the the Properties Tool (Esc key) and click on any Tempo marking. In Tempo Properties dialog, change the tempo value.

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