Transposing by pitch
Last updated: 07/30/2024
Transpose one or more parts by pitch. e.g. you want to detune a transposed instrument by moving the notes so they play at concert pitch.

How it works …
Open the Transposition dialog. Select the
Transposition button 
located in both the
Note Editor and
Playback toolbars. The

combination on your keyboard also opens the dialog as well as from the menu selection.
Select the
Pitch radio button from the
Change section of the
Type tab.
Specify the number of half-tones to be pitch-shifted (up 12 or down 12).
To limit the scope of the change-of-pitch, go to the
Limits tab and set a range of measures or select a part or voice.
Transposition by Pitch
Specify the number of half-tones to be pitch-shifted (up 12 or down 12).
Transposition by Pitch
Specify the number of half-tones to be pitch-shifted (up 12 or down 12).
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Limits Tab
See also ⚆⚆
Nudge modeTransposition (Overview)
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