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Score Structure

Working with Score Structure

Last updated: 07/30/2024

Score structure is an environment where you can easily visualize the entire structure of the score and manipulate different levels within it. It is arranged in a top-down, hierarchy from "Document" to "Score-Parts" (if any) to Parts and finally to contrapuntal voices within parts.

You can easily extract one or more parts to a new document, leaving the original untouched as well as combine separate scores or parts into a larger, combined "conductor’s score".

How to get there …

To open the Score Structure …

Click the Score Structure button in the Tools tab toolbar or …
select ☰ EDIT > Score Structure or …
hit   +  .
Score Structure elements
Score Structure elements are arranged in a parent > child hierarchy. You can alter the arrangement of parts inside scores by dragging "child" elements from one "parent" to another. If you have more than one .ENF document open, it’s possible to interchange parts between documents as well.
Pushing Apply to New will create a new document based on the modified arrangement while leaving the original document untouched.
Show Voices
Click his box to show contrapuntal "Voices" (the "children" whose parents are "Parts".)
Score Structure elements
Score Structure elements are arranged in a parent > child hierarchy. You can alter the arrangement of parts inside scores by dragging "child" elements from one "parent" to another. If you have more than one .ENF document open, it’s possible to interchange parts between documents as well.
Pushing Apply to New will create a new document based on the modified arrangement while leaving the original document untouched.
Show Voices
Click his box to show contrapuntal "Voices" (the "children" whose parents are "Parts".)
Score Structure elements are arranged in a parent > child hierarchy. You can alter the arrangement of parts inside scores by dragging "child" elements from one "parent" to another. If you have more than one .ENF document open, it’s possible to interchange parts between documents as well.
Pushing Apply to New will create a new document based on the modified arrangement while leaving the original document untouched.
Show Voices: Score Structure window Click his box to show contrapuntal "Voices" (the "children" whose parents are "Parts".)


If you have several SmartScore .ENF documents open at once, they will all appear in the Score Structure list allowing you to interconnect parts by dragging links from item in one level to another level.


Working in Score Structure

The idea of Score Structure is to extract or rearrange parts then save it to new ENF document leaving the original document unchanged.
Clicking and dragging an element to another parent part establishes a new relationship within the part. You can select more than one element with    + click or + click.
Right-clicking on any element allows you to select any one of four functions: Insert, Remove, Duplicate or open element Properties.
The black line associated with each element establishes its relationship to a higher or lower element. As you move an element from one parent to another, the new relationship between parts will be updated. You can even change the order parts appear in the score by moving an element up or down relative to other parts.
Click and drag the element you wish to re-associate with another parent score or to reorder its arrangement between other parts.


While you can extract or copy voices to a NEW document and part, you cannot copy or extract voices to other parts within the same document. See Other tasks possible with Score Structure

Next page
Extracting parts and voices
See also ⚆⚆
Score Properties (Overview)System Manager (Overview)Score Structure (Overview)
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