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Page formatting and layout

Print Preview

Last updated: 07/30/2024

The Print Preview environment allows you to view the entire score prior to printing or saving to PDF output. It’s always a good idea to preview how your pages are laid out prior to committing to paper or PDF output.

Tip: System Spacing
Readjust staff line and system spacing using Staff/Line Spacing. (Right-click inside active staff or from the EDIT menu).
Tip: System Spacing
Readjust staff line and system spacing using Staff/Line Spacing. (Right-click inside active staff or from the EDIT menu).

How to get there …

Click the Print Preview button in the Input/Output toolbar or …
select ☰ FILE > Print Preview.

Print Preview toolbar and functions …

Print: Print the score.
Zoom: Change zoom level.
Page Setup: This button will exit Print Preview mode and enter Page Setup environment.
Back to Main View: This button will exit Print Preview mode and return to the main ENF view.

TIP: Create a PDF file of the current document…

To export your score to the portable PDF file format, select ☰ FILE > Save as PDF.

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