Notation Editing / Voices (MIDI Channels)
Splitting 2-note clusters (hymnal music)
Last updated: 07/30/2024
Hymnals and many choral scores are printed with soprano/alto and tenor/bass notes belonging to the same note stem (SA / TB format). Here’s a quick and easy trick that splits 2-note clusters into two independent voices with opposing stems (S / A / T / B) after Recognition.

How it works …
Splitting the entire score …
Select the entire score with

on your keyboard.
Hit the
key (chord-splitting tool). Each 2-note cluster will split into opposing stems with different colors and voices (Black = Voice 1 and Red = Voice 2).
Animation (0:14) - Splitting 2-note clusters (hymnal music)
Animation (0:14) - Splitting 2-note clusters (hymnal music)
Splitting single 2-note clusters …
Select one or more 2-note clusters with the
Selector Tool 
key on your keyboard).
Hit the
key (chord-splitting tool).
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