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Notation Editing / Deleting symbols

Inserting symbols in Hidden Mode

Last updated: 07/30/2024

Hidden Mode allows you to insert symbols that correct playback timing (e.g. "error measures" in yellow) but which you don’t want appearing in the finished score. Useful examples include hiding repeated triplets so they become "implied" or to insert invisible time signatures in pickup and closeout measures.

How it works …

Top activate Hidden Mode, click on the Hide/Show Symbol button in Note Editor or Tools tab.
Enter notation symbols as usual. Note that the symbols are inserted slightly transparently. This shows that you are in Hidden Mode.
When finished, click the the Hide/Show Symbol button again to exit Hidden Mode.
Animation (0:37) - Inserting symbols in Hidden Mode



All ENF objects entered in this mode become hidden.
To change hidden symbols color choose ☰ EDIT > Program Preferences > Color settings from menu.

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Deleting symbols (Chapter overview)
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Modes: HiddenNotation Editing (Overview)Inserting symbols (Overview)
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