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Music Recognition

Processing individual Score-Parts

Last updated: 07/30/2024

SmartScore makes it possible to scan in separate instrumental parts and combine them into an ensemble / conductor’s score. Here’s how…

Most recognition sessions are done with ensemble scores, where instruments are grouped together into systems. Alternatively, you may want to process individual instrumental parts and have them play simultaneously or even recombine them into a conductors score. SmartScore provides special tools for those purposes. Following Score-Part recognition, individual parts are displayed as separate documents, one after the other, but during playback, all parts will sound simultaneously.

Using Score Structure you will be able to interleave parts so they group into larger systems, forming an ensemble (or conductor’s) score. For more information on combining parts into larger systems, see Score Structure.

Explained step by step …

Grouping and recognizing Score-Parts

Select ☰ FILE > Recognize or click the Recognition button in the Input/Output tab.
Click on Add Files to List and load the .TIFF file containing pages for the first instrumental part.
Select all the pages belonging to that part then push Group to Score-Part button. A Part Name dialog box appears. Type in a unique name for that part.
Repeat steps 2. and 3. for the remaining instrumental parts giving each one a unique part name.
Select Begin Recognition.


Important fact to remember …

In order for SmartScore to properly sync all individual parts during playback, each part must contain the same number of measures. This is an intuitively obvious but easily missed fact. Following recognition, check that the measure count for each part is the same and, if necessary, edit those parts that may require some cleanup.

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Score Structure (Overview)Music Recognition (Overview)
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