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Drums and Percussion

Note head shapes

Last updated: 07/30/2024

Percussion scores come in several varieties. It makes sense to know what works and what doesn’t in SmartScore.

Currently, SmartScore recognizes percussion staves containing solid black note heads. Notes with triangle, square, diamond and "x" heads will most likely be dropped altogether.


Percussion part recognition

Recognizing scores with percussion parts need to be identified before being processed by SmartScore. In the Begin Recognition dialog, check the Recognize Tablature, Percussion and Split System under Options.


Changing note head shapes

While recognition of "non-standard" note heads is currently not possible, you are able to change the shape of note heads to one of several common "Shaped note" (Sacred harp) note heads.

How it works …

Animation (0:43) - Changing note head shapes
Animation (0:36) - Changing note head shapes
Select the Properties tool (ESC key) and click on any given note head or …
activate the Selector tool   key) and drag a box around the note whose note heads you wish to change to another shape. Then select the Properties tool (ESC), and click on any of the highlighted notes.
In the Note Properties dialog box, choose a note head shape from the Note head type pull-down menu.
Click OK. All highlighted notes will inherit the selected note head shape.
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Working with Tablature (chapter overview)
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Drums and Percussion (Overview)
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