Properties / Properties Tool
Metronome mark
Last updated: 07/30/2024
Inserting a Metronome mark into the score will change the playback tempo at that point going forward. Metronome marks are similar to Tempo markings, except they are more precise, indicating the exact Beat per Minute value and, of course, they can be edited with the Properties tool.

How it works …
Inserting, editing and deleting a metronome mark
Click anywhere to enter the Metronome marking. The
Tempo dialog box appears.
Set the
Tempo value and
Base note values and click OK
If necessary, hold down the
key to enter
Nudge mode and drag the metronome marking to a new position.
To delete a metronome mark, switch to
Delete mode 
key) and click on the metronome mark you want to delete.
Important to remember:
It’s important to remember that both Metronome and Tempo marks will override the Default Tempo indicated in the Playback Console.
How to edit metronome marking properties …
To open the Tempo dialog box, select the Properties tool
(in Note Editor tab or Tools tab) or push the ESC key on your keyboard. Then click on any metronome marking in the current SmartScore document.
This dialog box allows you to edit the default playback tempo.
Tempo slider: Use this slider to edit the playback tempo for the selected metronome mark. The value corresponds to BPM (beats per minute) and is in the range from 30 (very slow) to 200 (very fast).
Tempo value: Alternatively, you can enter the tempo in this field (30 to 200 BPM).
Base note: Select the appropriate note value for the beat unit (e.g. quarter = 112).
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Tempo marks
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Graphical MIDI ControllersControllers in MIDI Piano Roll viewProperties Tool (Overview)Properties (Overview)
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