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Editing parts in Score Properties

Last updated: 07/30/2024

With the Properties Tool right-click inside any active staff line to open the Score Properties menu. You can remove (hide) one or more active staff lines from a system by choosing "Staff/Part > Remove". It’s also possible to add a brand new part to the ENF document by selecting "Staff/Part > Insert".

How it works …

1. Adding a new staff/part to the ENF document

Activate the Properties tool (ESC key)
Right-click inside any active staff line top open the Score Properties window.
Select Staff / Part > Insert.


2. Removing a staff from a single system

To remove a staff from a single system, select Staff / Part > Remove from the Staff Properties menu. This will "hide" it from that system. This is useful for systems containing empty staff lines.

Activate the Properties tool (ESC key)
Right-click inside any active staff line top open the Score Properties window.
Select Staff / Part > Remove.
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