Chapter 12
Score Formats
Score - A musical piece compiled as a document. A score usually contains more
than one part with all the parts to be played together. In SmartScore, it is a single
computer file; an ENF file. A hand-written score is called a manuscript.
Part - A part is represented by a staff line either alone (solo part) or grouped into a
system with other instruments (ensemble part). A part is usually an single instru-
ment, but in the case of two-handed instruments (piano, organ, xylophone, etc.), it
may represent one hand's part.
Voice - Derived from choral music but applied to instrumental music as well, con-
trapuntal voicing (sometimes referred to as polyphonic voicing) refers to a unique
melodic thread distinct from other voices in a measure by its harmonic direction
and possibly its timbre. Contrapuntal voices reside in the same measure of the same
staff. Voices are often distinguished by stem direction and sometimes by offsetting
the horizontal position of notes. For the purposes of SmartScore, a "voice" written
in its own staff line is referred to as a "Part".
Score-Part - Scores that are printed in sets for each individual instrument. Players
read from their own unique set of pages. For example, a duet for guitar and flute
would be printed in two separate sets: one for the flute player and one for the guitar.
Staves of part scores flow like a book where each staff line appends to the one
above it.
Ensemble - Scores that have multiple staff lines connected by a vertical bar or
"bracket" (usually along the left-hand edge of the music). When joined in this way,
each staff line represents a different part or instrument. All parts are played
"ensemble". Piano music, (with left-hand and right-hand staves) are joined into one
system, is regarded as "ensemble". SmartScore assigns each stave to separate MIDI
Landscape - Some scores are wider than they are high. These "landscape" layouts
need to be rotated prior to processing.
Folio - Large sized and conductor scores may need to be scaled down during scan-
ning or reduced on a copy machine before scanning. If the score must be reduced
more than 50% in order to fit the imaging area of your scanner, you may consider
scanning each full-sized page twice and treat each scan as one "image-page".
Introduction to SmartScore X