Editing the Music
For editing, we recommend a "left-hand-on-keyboard" technique as shown below.
The left index finger is over the "C" key, the left middle finger is over the "X" key,
the left ring finder is over the "Z" key and the small finger is over the "CTRL" key.
NOTE: You will find editing fast and easy once you begin working with this "Quick
Keys" method:
FIGURE 5 - 3: Left-Hand Position for ENF Editing
Pitch shift (Nudge mode)
To change the pitch of any note,
Position the mouse over a staff line. Hold the Shift key down with your
small left finger then click and hold on the control point in the center of
the notehead. Drag the note head up or down to shift its vertical position
in the staff.
To change the pitch of several notes at once,
a. Press "O" key to activate the Select tool in Toolbar.
Click and drag a box around any series of notes.
Hold down the "Shift" key and drag the notes up or down.
Rhythmic errors
Measures highlighted in a reddish color indicate that one or more rhythmic errors
were found inside a voiceline.
FIGURE 5 - 4: Measure with rhythmic error (1 beat is missing)
Using to SmartScore X