The SmartScore image editor
Use SmartScore’s Image Editor to check your scanned pages prior to Recognition… Are system brackets broken by punch holes? Are your scanned pages crooked? Do you see large area of black along the left margin? Does the music appear like “salt & pepper” when you zoom into the image? These are some of the problems that can negatively impact accuracy during recognition. Fortunately, you can fix most of these and other issues in the Image Editor without having to rescan your music.
This chapter will show you the editing tools included in the image editor and give tips for optimizing your scanned pages.
How to get there...
There are several ways to open the SmartScore image editor.
We recommend …
Reviewing and/or editing scanned or imported sheet music templates can help significantly improve the quality of sheet music recognition. That's why you should always open your graphic sheet music in the image editor before starting the recognition process.